Bike Newton invites the public to attend the following community meeting, on Zoom, Weds. June 24 5:30-7pm:
Overview: The City of Newton is planning to update the pavement markings on Beacon Street between Centre Street and Washington Street. The City is looking to incorporate a painted bike lanes on both sides of the street which would eliminate on-street parking in certain locations.
Project goal:
Extend bike accommodations in Newton Increase safety and comfort for all users Decrease likelihood of crashes
Using paint and signage the project will:
Extend bike lanes on both sides of Beacon Street Maintain parking in high-demand areas (e.g. Waban Center, Four Corners, Cold Springs Park, Angier, Newton Centre approach)
Zoom Mtg Info:
Meeting ID: 842 7253 3389 Password: 371415
One tap mobile +13017158592,,84272533389# US (Germantown) +13126266799,,84272533389# US (Chicago)
Dial by your location +1 646 558 8656 US (New York) Meeting ID: 842 7253 3389
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Contact: Nicole Freedman, Director of Transportation Planning, [email protected], (617) 879-8148.