Bike Newton Monthly Steering Committee meeting
Bike Newton’s monthly Steering Committee meeting. The public is invited to attend. Please email [email protected] for a Zoom invite if you would be interested in attending! Zoom Meeting: 5:30pm-7:00pm.
Bike Newton’s monthly Steering Committee meeting. The public is invited to attend. Please email [email protected] for a Zoom invite if you would be interested in attending! Zoom Meeting: 5:30pm-7:00pm.
Be part of re-enacting revolutionary local history – on your bike! In 1775, on the night of April 18 into the wee hours of ApriI 19, militia members from around what is now Greater Boston responded to an alarm spread by Paul Revere, William Dawes and Samuel Prescott. The British were heading to Concord to seize militia weapons and supplies. Minute men from more than 20 communities, including Danvers, marched in some cases over 25 miles to stop the British in Concord and sparked this nation’s fight for independence.Can you imagine how much faster they could have made the trip to Concord if they [...]