Bike Newton Monthly Steering Committee meeting
Bike Newton’s monthly Steering Committee meeting. The public is invited to attend. Please email [email protected] for a Zoom invite if you would be interested in attending! ZoomMeeting: 5:30pm-7:00pm.
Bike Newton’s monthly Steering Committee meeting. The public is invited to attend. Please email [email protected] for a Zoom invite if you would be interested in attending! ZoomMeeting: 5:30pm-7:00pm.
Halloween Window Painting Sat. Oct. 26th: Halloween Window Painting turns 25 this year! Kids in grades 3-8 will paint participating merchant windows in seven villages across Newton on Saturday October 26. We will start the anniversary celebrations with a costume and cupcake party for painters following the event on October 26. Then everyone is invited to join us on a celebratory bike tour to view the art across the city on Sunday October 27. Bikers of all levels are welcome. Painters can still sign up to paint. For details on the event or to register, visit Tour de Halloween Window Painting Ride Sun. Oct. [...]
Join us for a ride to North Point Park in Cambridge. Most of this ride is on fairly new off-road bike paths. We'll get to Fresh Pond in Cambridge via the Watertown-Cambridge Greenway, then on to the just-completed Greenline-Extension bike path (aka Somerville Community Path), then to North Point Park, and return via the Charles River bike paths. Meet in front of the Star Market on Austin St. in Newtonville, and we’ll leave at 1:00PM. This is a family-friendly, “no-rider-left-behind” ride and all ages are invited, but all young children must be accompanied by an adult. Bike helmets are required. 21 miles round trip. [...]
Bike Newton’s monthly Steering Committee meeting. The public is invited to attend. Please email [email protected] for a Zoom invite if you would be interested in attending! Zoom Meeting: 5:30pm-7:00pm.
Bike Newton’s monthly Steering Committee meeting. The public is invited to attend. Please email [email protected] for a Zoom invite if you would be interested in attending! Zoom Meeting: 5:30pm-7:00pm.
Bike Newton’s monthly Steering Committee meeting. The public is invited to attend. Please email [email protected] for a Zoom invite if you would be interested in attending! Zoom Meeting: 5:30pm-7:00pm.
Bike Newton’s monthly Steering Committee meeting. The public is invited to attend. Please email [email protected] for a Zoom invite if you would be interested in attending! Zoom Meeting: 5:30pm-7:00pm.
Bike Newton’s monthly Steering Committee meeting. The public is invited to attend. Please email [email protected] for a Zoom invite if you would be interested in attending! Zoom Meeting: 5:30pm-7:00pm.
Be part of re-enacting revolutionary local history – on your bike! In 1775, on the night of April 18 into the wee hours of ApriI 19, militia members from around what is now Greater Boston responded to an alarm spread by Paul Revere, William Dawes and Samuel Prescott. The British were heading to Concord to seize militia weapons and supplies. Minute men from more than 20 communities, including Danvers, marched in some cases over 25 miles to stop the British in Concord and sparked this nation’s fight for independence.Can you imagine how much faster they could have made the trip to Concord if they [...]