Bike Newton Monthly Steering Committee Meeting
Bike Newton’s monthly Steering Committee meeting. Public is invited to attend. Please email for Zoom (or "Real") invite! 7:00pm-8:30.
Bike Newton’s monthly Steering Committee meeting. Public is invited to attend. Please email for Zoom (or "Real") invite! 7:00pm-8:30.
The Mass. Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) is conducting a feasibility study for a shared-use trail connection between the Route I-95 rail bridge (“Two Bridges”) at the southeast corner of Leo J. Martin Golf Course, Wellesley, and the south side of the I-95 Overpass on Quinobequin Road, Newton, MA.
Bike Newton’s monthly Steering Committee meeting. Public is invited to attend. Please email for Zoom (or "Real") invite! 7:00pm-8:30.
Vision Zero is once again up for discussion this Wednesday in a joint meeting of the Public Facilities Committee and Public Safety & Transportation Committees. The agenda for the meeting can be found here.
Bike Newton’s monthly Steering Committee meeting. Public is invited to attend. Please email for Zoom (or "Real") invite! 7:00pm-8:30.
Bike Newton invites you to attend this important City of Newton Public Information Session presented by Nicole Freedman, the Director of Transportation Planning for the City of Newton. She will review the MassDOT proposed improvements for the intersection of Auburn St. and Commonwealth Ave., which includes a new separated bike lane. There are several designs being proposed; the Steering Committee of Bike Newton is in favor of the one pictured above, the "Modern Roundabout". • Learn about a proposal by MassDOT to reconstruct the intersection of Auburn Street at Commonwealth Avenue. • The work is part of MassDOT’s reconstruction of the bridge over the [...]
Bike Newton would like to invite you attend the following meeting presented by: Department of Conservation and Recreation Commonwealth of Massachusetts Improvements to Hammond Pond Parkway in Newton Thursday, January 21, 2021 7:00pm – 8:30pm Register here: At this public meeting, the DCR team for this project and its engineering design consultant, BSC Group, will present project objectives and gather public input on preliminary design to inform a pedestrian- and bike-friendly redesign of Hammond Pond Parkway in Newton, from Boylston Street (Route 9) to Beacon Street. To register, click on the appropriate link above or enter it into your browser, and you will be prompted to submit your name and email. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about [...]
12th Annual Ciclismo Classico Bike Travel Film Festival Virtually at the Regent Theatre in Arlington, MA This is the ONLY film festival in the U.S.A. that focuses specifically on bicycle travel! Thursday, March 18th 7:00pm - Internet Live Stream Full Details Click HERE ~ A portion of Festival Proceeds go to the nonprofit Adventure Cycling Association ~
Please sign the Petition now to the Mayor and City Council of Newton to improve Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety in Newton! It only takes a couple of minutes and will have a big impact on our elected officials at City Hall. Thanks! (Note: the photo above of a beautiful physically-separated bike lane is Arsensal St. in Watertown, not Newton. That's why we are asking you to sign the petition.)
A short ride Newton Library to Russo's Market in Waltham, then along the river a bit, returning through Nonantum and Newtonville.